Blog and galleries related to studies in photography at Falmouth University

Journal Links

Self-portrait of Kay Fisher

This website is intended to document my progress through an MA in photography at Falmouth University. It serves as a home for the critical research journal we keep as part of the course, and will also be used to house galleries of work in progress as I move through the course. Links to specific categories of post (such as “CRJ”) further down the page.

Latest posts

  • Thoughts on collages or using layers
    Way back in week 3 I was experimenting with layers – something I got interested in after reading about Thomas Vanoost‘s work over on 52 Frames. Vanoost takes pictures of the same space from slightly different angles a short time apart, and uses these in layers to illustrate the chaos of the city. That wasn’t… Read more: Thoughts on collages or using layers
  • Reading notes: sustainable practice
    This was the topic of our week 9 tutorial. Projects do not have to be about sustainability but we should be aware of our impact. Regarding consumption think about:
  • Reading notes: on self and place
    Rass, R. (2011) ‘Introduction to Perspectives on the Self: conversations on identity and consciousness’, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1234, pp. 1–4. Available at: “the perdurable question, Who am I? appears to point to a deeply rooted metaphysical and moral urge within the human species. Notions and constructs of a self… Read more: Reading notes: on self and place

Specific journal links

The links below show the posts in each category in chronological order (latest at the bottom of the page).

Critical research journal (click here to see CRJ posts from all modules). This is the real academic stuff.

Falmouth-related, non-CRJ stuff. This is where I’ll allow myself some more personal thoughts and reflections on studying towards my MA.

Non-academic musings (stuff not directly related to course content)

Work-in-progress galleries

2024-06-08 Derive experiment