Blog and galleries related to studies in photography at Falmouth University

Week 9: on catching up and how I’m working

It has been a while and time has been short. In fact, it’s week 9 of the course now and my last post was made in week 2. Here’s a summary of achievements:

  • I completed my first assignment (reflective presentation on positions and practice) which you can see here
  • I’m working on the second assignment, the research project proposal. More on that soon
  • I attended the face to face workshop in Falmouth (in week 6) and did the „moving image“ workshop, learning how to record video and audio and how to do basic edits in Premier Pro. More on that another time

Things got really busy at work amd between that and the assignments there has not been as much time to read as I would like, nor to record thoughts here. I also realized that my current note taking and referencing system was not efficient, so here’s some thoughts on how I can get better there.

  • I installed Zotero (referencing app) not just on my desktop but on iPad and phone. I was losing a lot of references because I was just dumping them in files in Dropbox. Now they get saved and referenced as I read. If I need to be quick, they get filed under uncategorozed to get better tagged and referenced later on, and I work through this pile every day or two
  • I am also logging the websites of other photographers of interest this way, making them easier to find.
  • A fellow student from our cohort noted that they were using the „notes“ feature in Zotero to save quotes / soundbites. So I’m doing one note per quote and noting the page number in the note if relevant
  • I collect a lot of stuff in Zotero but I need some way to collect the most immediately relevant stuff. For this I’ve set up a reading journal in one note where I don’t log everything I’ve perused on that day but just the most important takeaways and maybe some thoughts on these. These will likely become part of my CRJ but they won’t be pretty or academic prose. I’ll tag these “reading posts”
  • Another of my cohort showed how he is researching and planning his project using mindmaps. This is something I will consider if I can find suitable software that works on all the platforms I need it to to be flexible enough. Or maybe i’ll just get out pen and paper
  • I also will not be including full academic referencing in CRJ posts. The CRJ is not assessed, and all of my links are now safely storted in Zotero and I will be picking them up there as necessary. I will provide enough information for people to find the source (mostly via web links) and make sure credit is given, but I will not be providing fully Harvard-formatted bibliography references, since this slows me down significantly when putting these posts together.


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