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Reading notes: sustainable practice

This was the topic of our week 9 tutorial.

Projects do not have to be about sustainability but we should be aware of our impact.

  • Impact can be consumption of resources, but also the messaging in our work. Are we (inadvertently or otherwise) encouraging consumption vs encouraging sustainable actions
  • Sustainability is about more than ecology and environment. Check out the UN sustainability development goals. In what way are these related to your project.
  • Carbon footprint can be useful and informative, but not required for assignment (often required in moving image work though)

Regarding consumption think about:

  • Existing vs new equipment vs rent/borrow/second hand
  • Choice of material (film, paper, printing technique, type of glue in collage etc etc)
  • Storage (cloud, hard drives, back ups, prints… (also in terms of risk of loss)
  • Travel
  • Suppliers and supply chains of equipment and materials, or studio management (are they using Greenberg, do they recycle etcetc)
  • Photo hub sustainable resources page: sustainablep hotobook producers


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