Blog and galleries related to studies in photography at Falmouth University

Impressum / Offenlegung

Austrian law requires websites which could be construed as being a “periodic medium” to include extensive information in accordance with the legal requirements in the “Mediengesetz” (Media Law). This website is not intended as a “periodic medium” and is not a commercial website. This website does not publish a newsletter or send out e-mails (though if you’re interested in that let me know and then I will go through the rigmarole of doing the “big Impressum” here). This website is published by a private person to fulfill academic requirements in pursuit of an MA in photography with Falmouth University.

Responsible for the content of this website: Kay Fisher, resident in Felixdorf, Austria.

Contact the owner using the “contact Kay” button in the footer.

Certain links on this site may redirect you to external websites which are beyond my control. No responsibility can be taken for content on these external websites – please contact the owners of those websites directly if you have concerns.